Born without legs Zion Clark is now a wrestler MMA fighter and Olympic hopeful

Born without legs Zion Clark is now a wrestler MMA fighter and Olympic hopeful: Since the time of his birth as a child, the American has consistently and relentlessly overcame the odds, meeting every obstacle that comes his path, and leaving an impressive legacy of.

He was born in the United States with an uncommon condition known as Caudal Regression syndrome which caused him to be without legs. Despite the obvious hurdles it is posed, he went to establish the record for three Guinness World Records as well as win in the mixed martial art (MMA) debut, and has become an motivation for millions of people all over the world.

“I just like to enjoy myself,” Clark said on  Sport, expounding on what drives him to push himself further.

“You are aware that a lot of people are stuck in a set of rules that say you need to work in this 9-to-5 routine every single day. However when you discover something that is what you want to do, are in the best position to see the sky as your limit.”

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Childhood and early life : Born without legs Zion Clark is now a wrestler MMA fighter and Olympic hopeful

Clark received a hard situation in the course of his life.

Adopted by his mother’s biological parents at the time of his birth Clark states that he went through many years in foster homes, where there was both physical and mental violence. This was the kind of childhood that eventually resulted in Clark to have suicidal thoughts.

It wasn’t until 16 years old that Clark discovered a family that gave him the foundations for creating his future.

However, Clark isn’t one to look back on the past during the interview he did with CNN Clark was not one to sit looking back in the rear-view mirror. He preferred to discuss how he turned things around.

It was through the sport of wrestling that he began becoming aware of his surroundings.

The ancient sport helped him develop discipline, broadened his circle of friends and gave an appreciation for his self-worth when he learned how to navigate through the world using two hands. Clark was against the use of prosthetic legs due to the uncomfortable they caused him to feel.

The American believes that wrestling provided him with an opportunity that changed his life.Courtesy Craig Levinson

The sport also enticed Clark to get into the gym, which led to an immense change in his physique. After years of rigorous training Clark, the American was an athlete to reckon on the mat, in which he would regularly challenge and defeated fully-abled athletes.

In his senior year in High School, Clark finished the season 33-15. He barely missed making it to Ohio High School State Wrestling Championships.

He continued to play at the college level for Kent State, getting better and more powerful each year. When he dragged his opponent in the mat few were able to figure an escape route.

“There’s a saying that once you’ve wrestled, everything else in life becomes easy and I wholeheartedly believe that,” Clark declared.

“It’s an all-inclusive sport. Anyone can play and participate in it. Anyone can succeed. It’s an enormous amount of dedication. It requires a lot of time. However, if you can feel at peace with it and find enjoyment engaged in a sport of combat like that The sky is the limit.”

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The sky was really unlimited for Clark who wasn’t satisfied with only winning wrestling.

In the search for exciting new opportunities, his tried his endurance in new venues including wheel-chair racing and in the fitness center.

Never afraid to set an example, Clark dedicated his life to representing his nation at each of the Olympics in wrestling as well as in the Paralympics for wheelchair races.

He has hopes of achieving Paris 2024, which is next year. He is following a strict and intense training schedule to achieve his dream.

In addition to the Olympic and Paralympic plans, Clark has also delved into the world of professional MMA. Amazingly, he won his first fight in 2022 beating a fully-abled competitor. This was an accomplishment that brought his name to the forefront and sparked his desire to fight for more.

Through the many years, Clark has also set three world records, including the fastest man using 2 hands most box leaps with hands (33 inches) and also the highest number of diamond push-ups within three hours (248).

Clark hopes to represent the US in the Olympic Games one day.Courtesy Craig Levinson

Clark will attempt to beat his record for the second time next year, bidding to break even more than 4.78 seconds he recorded to travel 20 meters using his hands.

“Who would not want to keep pushing bars higher? I’ve put the bar very high. So why not go to a higher level,” he said, smiling. He also mentioned that it was necessary to take some time off because of injuries to his hand in the past year.

Talk to Clark right now and you’ll be able to talk a man who is bursting with confidence, eager to learn, yet not shy to show his skills.

He’s definitely not shy in front of the camera as well, having signed for and making it to the finals on America’s Got Talent this year, where he showed his musical and physical talent and, yes, on top of all that, Clark can also play guitar, piano and drums.

If asked about what motivates him to sustain the intensity he has in his life Clark’s answer is straightforward.

“Nothing makes me happier than throwing a punch in somebody’s face or beating somebody in a race or picking somebody up and throwing them down on a mat or sitting on a drumset making music for hours or piano or guitar,” he told me.

“It is what makes me happy the first time. It’s been to five, six years ago in the time I did all of this and I didn’t make any money but I was doing it for the sake of making me feel happy.”

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Locating the right mentor

Clark has taken the conscious decision that he would like to be surrounded by positive people in his adulthood among them includes Craig Levinson.

The two were introduced in a memorable manner on the set of the Ellen DeGeneres show, and since then have traveled around all over the world.

They hit it off right immediately, forming bonds with their common interest in fitness and their goals to improve the world place.

Levinson is Clark’s manager now and has seen his friend grow both in his athletic ability and as a man.

“He’s an innocent child He loves to be silly at video games, and laugh. And, well you’re a normal person outside of the lens. Likes living an ordinary life,” Levinson told CNN Sport.

Craig Levinson has become Clark’s mentor and manager after they came together on stage at The Ellen DeGeneres Show.Courtesy Craig Levinson

“Through his childhood, he’s learned that building trust with others is difficult.

“Our connection was forged through this friendship, in which he was able to trust me and be confident that I had the best intentions and interest and that I’m willing to assist him. We have both succeeded and failed in our endeavors together.”

In his quest to help the next generation, Clark has become a keynote speaker who shares the lessons he’s acquired throughout his life.

Public speeches are his method to give back and inspire people to do whatever they want to achieve in their lives.

“I always like to say in my speeches that you don’t need your legs to leave a footprint on this planet,” Clark declared.

“It’s an extremely literal statement and also a metaphorical statement since everybody is able to be influential.

“Are you planning to sit and be patient and wait for a chance or do you want to sabotage the chance? Whatever you decide, once you take action, you begin to leave your mark. Anyone can do it anywhere.”

Born without legs Zion Clark is now a wrestler MMA fighter and Olympic hopeful Born without legs Zion Clark is now a wrestler MMA fighter and Olympic hopeful Born without legs Zion Clark is now a wrestler MMA fighter and Olympic hopeful Born without legs Zion Clark is now a wrestler MMA fighter and Olympic hopeful Born without legs Zion Clark is now a wrestler MMA fighter and Olympic hopeful Born without legs Zion Clark is now a wrestler MMA fighter and Olympic hopeful

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