What is  is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) that can hijack your web browser and display intrusive advertisements. It is often distributed through software bundles or deceptive online advertisements. Once installed, it modifies your browser settings and redirects your searches to unwanted websites.

How Does it Work? works by altering your browser’s settings, such as the default search engine and homepage. It then redirects your searches to its own search engine, which displays sponsored results and advertisements. These ads can be intrusive and may lead to potentially harmful websites.

How to Get Rid of

Step 1: Uninstall Suspicious Programs

To remove, first, check your installed programs list for any suspicious or unfamiliar software. Go to the Control Panel on your computer and look for any programs that you did not install or that seem suspicious. Uninstall these programs to remove

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Step 2: Reset Your Browser Settings

Next, reset your browser settings to their default values. This will remove any unwanted extensions or modifications made by Open your browser’s settings menu and find the option to reset or restore settings. Follow the instructions provided to complete the reset.

Step 3: Use an Anti-Malware Program

To ensure a thorough removal of, it is recommended to use an anti-malware program. These programs are designed to detect and remove various types of malware, including PUPs like Run a full system scan with the anti-malware program of your choice and follow any prompts to remove the detected threats.

Step 4: Change Your Email Passwords

If you suspect that may have accessed your email accounts, it is important to change your passwords. This will help prevent unauthorized access to your personal information and protect your accounts from further compromise.

How to Prevent Future Infections

To avoid future infections from programs like, follow these best practices:

– Be cautious when downloading and installing software from the internet. Only download from trusted sources and read user reviews before proceeding.
– Pay attention to the installation process and opt for custom or advanced installation options. This allows you to review and deselect any additional software that may be bundled with the program you are installing.
– Keep your operating system and software up to date with the latest security patches. Regularly check for updates and install them promptly.
– Use a reputable anti-malware program and keep it updated. This will help detect and remove any potential threats before they can cause harm.
– Be wary of suspicious emails, links, and downloads. Avoid clicking on unknown links or downloading attachments from unfamiliar sources.

Understanding the Trojan

The Trojan is a type of malware that disguises itself as a legitimate program or file. Once installed, it can perform various malicious activities, such as stealing personal information, displaying unwanted advertisements, or redirecting web traffic. Removing the Trojan requires a combination of manual and automated methods.

Method 1: Use Rkill to Terminate Malicious Processes

Rkill is a tool that terminates malicious processes running on your computer. Download and run Rkill to stop any processes associated with the Trojan. This will allow for easier removal of the malware.

Method 2: Uninstall Malicious Programs from Your Computer

Check your installed programs list and uninstall any suspicious or unfamiliar software. Look for programs that you did not install or that seem suspicious. Uninstall these programs to remove the Trojan.

Method 3: Remove Trojan from Windows Registry

Editing the Windows Registry can help remove the Trojan. However, this method requires caution as modifying the registry incorrectly can cause system instability. It is recommended to backup your registry before making any changes.

Method 4: Remove Malicious Files and Folders from Windows

Manually search for and delete any files and folders associated with the Trojan. These files may be located in various directories on your computer. Be thorough in your search to ensure complete removal.

Method 5: Reset Your Browser Settings to Their Defaults

Resetting your browser settings can help remove any unwanted extensions or modifications made by the Trojan. Open your browser’s settings menu and find the option to reset or restore settings. Follow the instructions provided to complete the reset.

Method 6: Run a Full System Scan with an Antivirus or Anti-Malware Program

To ensure a thorough removal of the Trojan, it is recommended to run a full system scan with an antivirus or anti-malware program. These programs are designed to detect and remove various types of malware, including Trojans like

Method 7: Update and Secure Your System

Regularly update your operating system and software with the latest security patches. This will help protect your system from known vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malware. Additionally, use a reputable antivirus or anti-malware program to provide real-time protection against threats.

Conclusion is a potentially unwanted program that can hijack your web browser and display intrusive advertisements. To remove, uninstall suspicious programs, reset your browser settings, use an anti-malware program, and change your email passwords. To prevent future infections, be cautious when downloading software, keep your system and software updated, and use reputable security software.


Q: How did get on my computer?

A: is often distributed through software bundles or deceptive online advertisements. It may be bundled with free software that you download from the internet, or it may be disguised as a legitimate program or file.

Q: Can steal my personal information?

A: While itself may not directly steal personal information, it can lead to potentially harmful websites that may attempt to gather your personal information. It is important to remove to protect your privacy and security.

Q: How can I prevent future infections?

A: To prevent future infections, be cautious when downloading and installing software, keep your operating system and software up to date, use a reputable anti-malware program, and be wary of suspicious emails, links, and downloads.

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