Poland PM Donald Tusk Pro-EU vision

Poland PM Donald Tusk Pro-EU vision: The goals include boosting relationships with European Union and pledging to bring back rules of law. This was the subject of a long-running dispute with Brussels.

His promises to women have been more accessibility to abortion options that are legal even though there are ideological differences within his coalition.

He also vowed support for Ukraine as well as to be a solid US and Nato allies.

His remarks came just as his country’s European Court of Human Rights decided that Poland was infringing on the rights of gay couples by refusing them acceptance and security.

Five gay Polish couples filed the case when registry offices refused to provide them with wedding ceremonies due to the fact that Poland’s constitution says it is the union between a man woman.

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In a speech before the lawmakers ahead of the vote of confidence for the government he is proposing, Tusk declared that an isolated Poland is the biggest threat to the security of the country.

“I do not think I have to convince anyone about how important the strength of our alliances is, and how crucial the strength of Poland is, and how well it is regarded throughout the world and within Europe,” he said.

“That Poland will regain the role of being the leader of the European Union.”

Mr Tusk who is the past president of European Council, said his first trip abroad will be to Brussels in which he will attempt to deblocate more than EUR35 billion (PS30.1bn; $37.8bn) in EU recovery funds that have been held because of Brussels worries about the rules of law.

The European Commission has taken legal actions against Poland’s previous left-wing Law and Justice (PiS)-led government for introducing reforms that weakened the independence of the judiciary.

The second time he will travel in Tallinn to meet with leaders from Estonia’s Baltic as well as Nordic states.

He noted that there are a variety of views within the coalition, that spans from agrarian conservatives all the way to the left, on how much liberalisation should be done to the nearly complete ban on abortion.

He also stated that the government would ensure that women can have access to legal abortion.

The president said that his government would attempt to mobilize the West to fight the effects of war and continue to aid Ukraine. However, assistance for Ukraine won’t be at the expense of Polish farmers and entrepreneurs He added.

Mr Tusk declared that uncontrolled migration an issue, but he said the possibility to devise a policy that would protect Poland’s borders as well as treat immigrants with respect.

The PiS government was accused of approving protests against migrants. Dozens of people have perished trying to get into Poland from Belarus according to NGOs.

If Tusk is able to win the confidence vote that should be a formality, given the coalition’s majority and the new government will be officially sworn in by the president Andrzej Duda, on the Wednesday.

Grzegorz Braun (L) after putting out candles on menorah IMAGE SOURCE REUTERS
Image caption. The day was ruined by a prank committed carried out by a anti-Semitic member

However, the day was marred by a controversy where far-right politician Grzegorz Braun put out candles recently on a menorah at the parliament to celebrate the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah with an extinguisher for fire.

Mr. Braun was kicked out of the premises, and the matter was referred to the Prosecutor’s office. Parliament officials have cut half the amount of his pay and suspended his allowance for MPs for a period of six weeks.

Mr. Tusk said the incident was unacceptable and disgraceful.

Mr. Braun is an active member of the tiny Confederation party that is well-known for his extreme opinions. Confederation is represented by 18 members and is not a part of the government in coalition.

RELATIONS WITH EU : Polish Premier Donald Tusk Pro-EU vision

* “Poland will be able to regain its status as a leader within the European Union, Poland will strengthen its position, a place it deserves,” Tusk said.

* He has promised the government to “bring the back of billions in euros” from Brussels in reference to EU funds that were frozen by the previous administration due to disagreements over the rules of law.

* He also said that he would not support any amendments made to EU treaties that could harm Poland.



* “We will … strongly and forcefully demand the complete mobilisation of the entire world and including the Western the world to support Ukraine in the current conflict,” he said.

* Tusk stated that his government will make defense the top priority and respect the previous agreements for arms.

* He pledged to speedily solve the issues that led to an unrest by Polish truckers who have obstructed certain border crossings in an argument regarding Ukrainian trucking companies accession to EU.

* In relation to an influx crisis at Polish borders with Belarus that Warsaw claims Minsk of orchestrating, Minsk said he would ensure that Poland’s eastern border secure while remaining humane in the process.

PUBLIC Finances

* Tusk said he would keep the large social benefits that were introduced by Nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) government, for example universal child benefits, that is scheduled to be increased to 800 Zlotys ($198) monthly for each child beginning January 1, 2024.

* He also said that teachers’ salaries would rise by 30 percent from the beginning of the next school year. the public sector workers would be given 20 percent increase.

* His government is planning to introduce an additional 1,500 zloty per month benefit for for mothers returning to work following having a maternity leave.

* He added that, despite massive public expenditure, his government will implement a fiscally responsible policy. A Fiscal Council would be created to provide opinions regarding the public spending plan.

* He also offered entrepreneurs the chance to receive “vacations” by paying social security taxes.

The RULE OF LAW : Poland PM Donald Tusk Pro-EU vision

* Tusk stated that the prosecutors will remain independent of the government.

* He along with the Justice Minister Adam Bodnar, a former Human Rights Ombudsman will search for ways to strengthen legality as well as judiciary institutions, and to prosecute those who are responsible for the defamation of the Constitution.

* The new government is planning to audit state-owned businesses that have been branded the “symbol of nepotism” under PiS Tusk. Tusk.

Poland PM Donald Tusk Pro-EU vision Poland PM Donald Tusk Pro-EU vision Poland PM Donald Tusk Pro-EU vision Poland PM Donald Tusk Pro-EU vision Poland PM Donald Tusk Pro-EU vision Poland PM Donald Tusk Pro-EU vision Poland PM Donald Tusk Pro-EU vision Poland PM Donald Tusk Pro-EU vision Poland PM Donald Tusk Pro-EU vision

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